Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Muscular Woman - Betty Pariso

Betty Pariso is a professional bodybuilder from the United States. She stands out among other female bodybuilders as the oldest professional bodybuiler, still competing at the age of 54. She is also the IFBB Competitor's Rep for the female athletes.

Betty grew up on a farm, enjoying a healthy and athletic lifestyle that included lots of volleyball and track. In fact, Betty's athletic prowess in the field even attracted the attention of university scouts. Ping-pong was also a fixture of her childhood. Betty grew up without television, but often visited her grandmother to enjoy her programs as a child.

From a family of four children, Betty became a part-time model and a minister's wife in her earlier years. Betty started weight training in her early 30s to stay fit and add weight to what she thought was too much of a "stick figure" type of body. She began competing in the early 1990s and was able to achieve pro card status at the 1996 NPC Nationals. This was a very high achievement for Betty as by doing this she had become the oldest (at the age of 40) women to earn an IFBB Pro card. It was during this time in the early 1990s that Betty (whose married name was then Betty Carmichael) married for a second time, this time to Ed Pariso (Betty also has two children (Lacy and Justin) from her first marriage). Much later, Betty and Ed also became the sponsors for the Europa Super Show.

As a professional competitor, Pariso's main goal was to win a pro show as the only competitor over the age of fifty. Her first competitions as a professional were a bit rocky with a 15th at the Jan Tana Classic and an 11th at her first Ms. International. She soon became one of the most successful competitors in the Women's Division by reaching the top five in almost every competition she has entered. In 2001 she won the heavyweight class at the Jan Tana. There was no overall champion in that contest which made this the first pro win of her career.

Today Betty is one of the most popular female bodybuilders and serves as a role model for all women over forty. With her husband, Betty owns and operates an industrial equipment and parts distributions company; she is also the owner and promoter of the Southwest USA Health & Fitness Expo. She is one of the few women bodybuilders in America to have a contract with a sponsor in the bodybuilding industry. She is also the IFBB Competitor's Rep for female competitors, and is constantly working with the representatives of the IFBB in order to improve the state of Women's Bodybuilding.